Oyster River Local Advisory Committee
A distinctive characteristic of the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program is the partnership created between state government and local citizens through the formation of a Local River Advisory Committee (LAC) for each Designated River. Each committee plays a vital role in protecting not only the river, but its shorelands as well. A minimum of one resident from each of the riverfront communities along the length of designation is appointed to the committee by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Services. Committee members represent a broad range of interests and backgrounds.
In August of 2008, the Oyster River Watershed Association, with a grant from NH DES and help from the Strafford Regional Planning Commission, began the process to nominate the Oyster River to the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program. On July 27, 2011, Governor Lynch held a ceremonial signing of HB 44, which added the Oyster River to the list of 17 other designated rivers in New Hampshire.
Public Notice: Starting in September 2024, the ORLAC will hold regular monthly meetings on the third Thursday
of the month at 5:30pm, at the Madbury Town Hall. The meetings are open to the public.
The Committee will hold an out of schedule meeting on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 5:30pm, Madbury Town Hall.
Meeting CANCELED due to weather. 2/6/2025
The committee can be contacted at: info@oysterriverlac.org